Phil Jacobs


Phil Jacobs was an award-winning investigative reporter for over 28 years, and served as an Assistant Editor, Managing Editor, Editor and Executive Editor for Alter Communications, the parent company of the then highly acclaimed Baltimore Jewish Times, Detroit Jewish News and Atlanta Jewish Times.

He is currently the Associate Editor of the New Jersey Jewish Link and sits on the Board of Kohl HaBirah, serving the Washington, D.C. area. Phil teaches Jewish History and Current Events to students at the Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community High School in Baltimore. He also teaches adult education in the highly regarded Mercaz curriculum at Beth Tfiloh.

Phil is married and the father of two daughters and grandfather of three grandsons.
Phil is a scholar of Jewish history and American history and currently studying to become a Licensed Battlefield Guide at Gettysburg, Pa.  He is also a former ice hockey goalie, playing the sport for some 20 years.

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